The legendary Silver Ghost was followed in 1925 by the various Phantoms (I, II, III.) (Although the Ghost was still available to special order).

    This model is of a Phantom II car, which appeared in 1929 and was produced for 6 years. This, the last of the vintage Rolls Royce’s, was the first entirely new design in the large-car range since 1906. The manifold was changed but otherwise the Phantom I engine layout and dimensions were retained. The Phantom II, although heavy, was a car of considerable performance with a maximum speed well over 80 m.p.h. 

    Our model is of a 1934 P2 series car, actually the one delivered to the Maharaja of Rajkot.

    For the first 7 years Rolls-Royce had no mascot. Then around 1910 a craze started for mascots. Two notable examples were ‘Gobbo the lucky Imp’ and a propeller. Rolls-Royce were somewhat dismayed at the thought of ‘Gobbo the lucky imp’ appearing on their cars and began the search for a mascot of their own.

    The mascot Spirit of Ecstasy first appeared in 19l1 on the Silver Ghost. The figure was modelled by Charles Sykes, a notable artist of the time, at the suggestion of John Scott (later Lord) Montague. The model is widely believed to be Eleanor Valesco Thornton, who was a favourite model of Sykes. Apart from being a model for Sykes she worked for Claude Johnson, a founder partner of R-R and then for John Scott Montague. She was his PA and then somewhat more, they had a daughter.   

                                                                      1/24th scale kit.

                                                                         Built by Rod.

   The use of chrome bare metal foil on the wheels of this model helps give the highly polished look of a Rolls-Royce that paints generally can’t replicate. Halfords acrylic car paints have been used for the body finish with Humbrol enamels for the other parts. The use of inks for washes and dry brushing techniques applied to help bring the model to life. The carpeting is from aftermarket supplier KFS. To achieve wood effects you put down a light base coat, carefully draw a large old brush across with dark paint to produce some grain lines then coat with Tamiya clear orange. Make sure you allow plenty of drying time between steps.